Thursday, April 27, 2006

For My Prior Peeps

New Pic per request.

It is official!

Well it is official!
I am a homeowner!
Here is a more recent shot of the house. Spring has sprung and the happy couple on the lawn seem to bring a little love to the setting. Plus a cool cat!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

The Big Day!

Today is the big day! As Rachelle said "This afternoon we sign our life away." AAAAAAAAAH!
anyhoo... checkin' out my friend stacie's blog THE STICKS (another must read) I spotted an interesting little link entitled PERRY BIBLE FELLOWSHIP, and I must say it is amazingly funny. Please check it out.
AND check out any of the other links like...
HUNGRY LIKE THE WOLF - stacie's latest stick drawings
GUZER - the wonderful world of insane photos, video and other crap
surf away.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006


This is a picture I just drew of myself to add to my profile.

Growing Up?

My fiance and I are buying a house. Tomorrow! Frickin' Crazy! I am officially a grown-up. Not cool! So tonight I plan to go home and pull an all-nighter geekin' out session on my xbox. Possibly I will finish KOTOR2 (lightside) and start a darkside story line. Speaking of which, I had a discussion with my friend Stacie (author of Final Girl, a sweet blog you should totally check out, YO!) about trying to be evil in these RPG choice games. And for some reason we both agreed feeling bad, being so BAD. And I mean BAD. BAD as in EVIL (like the fruits of the devil, evil) not BAD as in Michael Jackson gay gang band, dancing around and proving who is really BAD. Why does it tug on my heart strings when I stand up to sappy widow and demand her skull which I sell and an inflated price and deny her her part, leaving her to starve for damn sure. I do not know this woman. I do not care whether she and her children (born out of wedlock I'm sure) live or die. She is a character in a game! And I feel just a little bad virtually bitch slapping her and keeping all the booty as my own. And it happens often to me throughout the game. Each time I get the "Wassup with you?"-kinda speech from my companions, I think "maybe they're right", "maybe I am going too far", "maybe a jedi doesn't behave like this". But I still beat the crap out of the homeless boy for 10 credits. Anyway, here is a pic of my future homestead.
You know it is BAD! Jammon!

Friday, April 14, 2006

Big Wheel Bash

My sister just showed me this awesome digger. I call it Big Wheel Bash! Enjoy the pain.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Grape Stomp Girl

One of the best clips of someone falling is the Grape Girl Stomp. This link has the video which includes the slo-mo version. No matter how many times I watch this I laugh. Enjoy!
That's it for today.

I'll Tumble For Ya

It really makes me laugh to see someone fall down. Call me sick but I can't help it. I went to google to try and find an image of someone falling down. It amazes me the personal pictures that people put up on the web that anyone can access. So let's laugh at a few.

This woman, the one on the floor, stated in her web page that often gets inebriated and falls off things, including bar stools.

I found a lot of staged falls which were not that funny, for example...


This is seems more like the guy is napping.

and what is this woman doing?

It looks like she is getting ready to crap her pants.

Last but not least and on a side note. What is up with this?

Remember the 3 rules of real estate. Location, Location and Location. If the toilet is at the bottom of the staircase, you may not want to buy the house. And you definitely do not want to fall down the stairs.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Numero Uno

Well here is my first post and I decided to share my latest plan...
When I die, I would like to be cremated. After being cremated I would like my ashes to divided amongst multiple dime bags. Then the lucky executor of my will will have to hunt down all of the students who have brought me grief over my years of teaching. Upon finding said students, the executor will throw my ashes from the dime bag into their face. Then hand them a letter from me simply saying, "TAKE THAT." Of course, if the person is wearing glasses, the executor would have to say
"Could you please take off your glasses?" before tossing the ash in his/her eyes. I also may want to designate an executor who is someone I really wanted to get beat up on multiple occasions.
Wait! I just rethought this. The executor should first identify the target, then hand the note to them. After they read the note and look up confused saying "Take what?" the executor can then toss the payload in his/her face. This approach will also give the executor time to run away.
The list has begun!