Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Growing Up?

My fiance and I are buying a house. Tomorrow! Frickin' Crazy! I am officially a grown-up. Not cool! So tonight I plan to go home and pull an all-nighter geekin' out session on my xbox. Possibly I will finish KOTOR2 (lightside) and start a darkside story line. Speaking of which, I had a discussion with my friend Stacie (author of Final Girl, a sweet blog you should totally check out, YO!) about trying to be evil in these RPG choice games. And for some reason we both agreed feeling bad, being so BAD. And I mean BAD. BAD as in EVIL (like the fruits of the devil, evil) not BAD as in Michael Jackson gay gang band, dancing around and proving who is really BAD. Why does it tug on my heart strings when I stand up to sappy widow and demand her skull which I sell and an inflated price and deny her her part, leaving her to starve for damn sure. I do not know this woman. I do not care whether she and her children (born out of wedlock I'm sure) live or die. She is a character in a game! And I feel just a little bad virtually bitch slapping her and keeping all the booty as my own. And it happens often to me throughout the game. Each time I get the "Wassup with you?"-kinda speech from my companions, I think "maybe they're right", "maybe I am going too far", "maybe a jedi doesn't behave like this". But I still beat the crap out of the homeless boy for 10 credits. Anyway, here is a pic of my future homestead.
You know it is BAD! Jammon!


Blogger Stacie Ponder said...

I love the house!!! I can't wait to visit. Congratulations, you adult-types, you.

I played through KOTOR2 doing Lightside and I felt so much better...because I KNOW that the dark path would've made me do some terrible things. A-killin' and a-stealin'. My halo's bright! So bright, in fact, one must wear shades.

6:54 PM  
Blogger Mistah Wade said...

I really feel that the game limits you as a darky too. you dont get as many options if you just walk up and kill people. however i did find that KOTOR2, unlike KOTOR, does seem to try and lead you down the dark path.

6:49 AM  
Blogger Stacie Ponder said...

" I really feel that the game limits you as a darky too."

The game is just like life, man...always bein' kept down by Whitey.

12:34 PM  
Blogger Mistah Wade said...


7:10 AM  

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