Thursday, August 03, 2006

Wedding Program for Women

As promised, here is the first of the two programs we created.
Since it was planned to be an outdoor wedding in the beautiful summer gardens of Mohonk Mountain, we decided to make fan programs for the ladies. They served as a double purpose. One was to be a program, which I guess you are supposed to do so that everyone knows who everyone is, but I am not sure why they are at my wedding if they don't know who everyone is, but that is a whole other entry. And two, to act as a fan to keep themselves cool. Of course it rained and we had the ceremony inside, which was sill beautiful, but made the fans a little less purposeful.
We bought handmade paper from a great online place, which I forgot the name of, with petals and a very textured finish. Then we printed the program on ivory card stock, traced the fan pattern we designed, cut it out, and spray affixed it onto the rose petal paper. Next we cut out the fan shapes and tore the top edge. Last we added grommets and laced through pink ribbon.
The poem at the top of the program was written by Rachelle and we read it to each other during the ceremony.
Male program to follow.
Names were blurred by request to protect the anonymity of the participants.


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