Saturday, June 17, 2006

Weekly Wipeout 6 & 7

Double treat since I missed last week.
Weekly Wipeout 6 features two kids jumping off a bridge. The second kid fails to clear the railing and smacks the surface of the water. Bridge Bumble.
Weekly Wipeout 7 features a guy my brother swears he knows trying to jump between two docks. Dock Devastation.

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Weekly Wipeout 5

Another treat from Break. Massive wipe-out of a cluster of street cyclists. And I dub thee Cycling Collision

Friday, June 02, 2006

Photoshop Phriday 4


When I was growing up, probably around 6, my Dad bought me a t-shirt that said "Don't mind me I'm with the Band," since he had a Wedding/Cover Band. The memory of that shirt, which I loved more than life itself, inspired me to join the band for this week's Photoshop Phun!

Knowing you, knowing me and loving disco, this Swedish super group is now known as WABBA.MAMMA MIA!

When the lights go down in the city, it doesn't matter how ugly Journey is, 'cause they ROCK!
Don't stop believin'

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Bonus Answer

If you said 13 then you found as many as I did. If you found less then 13 look at answers below. If you found more than 13, what are you some kinda over-achiever! Whatever! Get your own damn blog and post your answer. YOU SUCK! But I guess you could email me or comment and I will add your amazing find. Anyway... I also chose to comment on some things I found humorous in the crowd. You will have to click on image to enlarge it to see all the hopefully comical remarks. The picture above is Sans Wade, so you can stop trying to find him, brown-noser!
*"Love Birds" is a term I am hoping to coin. It is defined as "Two middle fingers flipped in close proximity to each other, preferably touching and preferably by a couple (as seen in photo above). 'Love Birds' can been given by a single person but it borders on incest."